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    中國國情 > 中國精神鼓舞下 新時代揚帆遠航 > 正文




    On November 20, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinpingsaid at the 27th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting that “there is a Malay proverb that goes, “bukit sama didaki, lurah sama dituruni”, which means to climb the hill together and go down the ravine together. It aptly captures the spirit of the Asia-Pacific family”.


    APEC is a big family with 21 members. Although we differ in culture, religion and development level,it does not prevent the Asia-Pacific countries from pursuing mutually beneficial cooperation in this big family. Over the past few decades, the Asia-Pacific has weathered two financial crises and lifted over one billion people out of poverty. It has become a leading and most dynamic powerhouse of the global economy. The partnership featuring mutual trust, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation keeps our big Asia-Pacific family together.


    Asia-Pacific economic cooperation has never been a zero-sum political game in which one gains at the expense of the other. Rather,it has provided us with a development platform to ensure what we each do can be mutually reinforcing and beneficial to all. To build an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future featuring openness and inclusiveness, innovation-driven growth, greater connectivity, and mutually beneficial cooperation, all members have the responsibility to create and realize the Asia-Pacificdream for our region’s people. As an active advocate of Asia-Pacific cooperation, China firmly supports the development of APEC, and with our root struck deep in the Asia-Pacific, we will continue to serve its development and prosperity. We must step up research and development of vaccines and related exchanges, and China has made a telemedicine initiative to give people in poor and remote areas access to timely and quality medical services. We support APEC in strengthening policy exchanges and capacity building in the areas of public health and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. We hope to work with all partners in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. Whether anti-epidemic cooperationor economic recovery, China has working with all partiesto overcome difficulties and bring new opportunities and positive energy to the development of the Asia-Pacific region.


    Looking into the future, we will work together andhelp each other to build and share a brighter future of peace and prosperity for Asia-Pacific and get ever closer to the goal of a community with a shard future for mankind.

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